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Pick Up and Drop Off

Pickup and Drop Off at Harrison Elementary School

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Drop off and pick up is a challenge at Harrison School, but with your help we can make it safe and a little smoother. Thank you for your support!

Morning Drop-Off Procedures:

  • 7:35-8:00 AM - Front parking lot is reserved for school bus drop off only.

  • 7:40 AM - Breakfast begins. Students may drop in anytime between 7:40-8:00 AM. Students eating breakfast should not arrive before 7:40 AM and should enter through the back café door. 
  • 7:45-8:00 AM - All students not eating breakfast will enter the school and head to their classrooms.
  • 8:00 AM - Class begins.
  • 8:05 AM - All doors are locked. Students arriving late must be buzzed in through the front entrance.

From 7:35 -8 AM, the front parking lot is reserved for school bus drop off ONLY. The front is not designed to accommodate the drop off of 500+ students and contributes to traffic congestion on busy 53rd Street. Bussed students are to walk around to the back of the building, where supervision is available until it is time to enter the building.

All other students should be dropped off in the back of the building (access on Appomattox Road). If students go to breakfast, they enter through the back café door starting at 7:40 AM. The exception to this is for students requiring a handicapped assessable entrance. These students always use the front door/front parking lot.  

During inclement weather, students (who do not ride the bus) should still be dropped off in the back of the building. During bad weather students will be let in the building starting at 7:40 AM

There will always be a supervisor monitoring the loop and supervisors standing by the back door until 8:05 AM for those that are running late to school. If you are running late and you do not a see a supervisor in the loop or on the blacktop, you will have to drive around to the front of the building to drop off your student. They will be buzzed in through the front door and will recieve a tardy slip, before they proceed to class.

Afternoon Pick-up Procedures:

At dismissal, the front parking lot is only for school buses, daycare vans, and the YMCA bus.  All other students should be picked up in the back of the building.